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title MSDOS 2.00 Function Library for Lattice C
;. .
;. DOS 2.00 Functions for .
;. Lattice .
;. .
;. T. Jennings 23 June 83 .
;. created 13 Sept 82 .
;. .
;MSDOS 2.00 support for Lattice. These will NOT
;work for version 1.xx of DOS. All support full
;paths. The function names are the same as the
;standard library names with "_x" prepended, to
;accomodate my file system nameing heirarchy.
;NOTE: You cannot mix these calls with the
;Lattice library calls: i.e. open with _xopen()
;and write with open(). You must use ALL or
;These functions all use the DOS buffers.
;Detailed info is given in the title block for
;each function. A quick description follows.
;handle= _xopen(pathname,access);
;int handle,access;
;char *pathname;
; Open a file. handle returns either
;the DOS handle, or -1 if error (file not
;found). Access is: 0 == read only, 1 == write
;only, 2 == read/write.
;handle= _xcreate(pathname,access);
; Create a new file, delete any existing
;copy. Access is not used: use 0. Returns the
;handle or -1 if error.
;v= _xread(handle,buffer,count);
;v= _xwrite(handle,buffer,count);
;int v,handle,count;
;char *buffer;
; File read or write to an opened or
;created file. reads or writes 'count' bytes
;to the file 'handle', to or from 'buffer'.
;Returns the number of bytes processed: equal
;to 'count' if sucessful.
;error= _xclose(handle)
;int error;
; Close an open file. Returns -1 if
;error. Any buffers are flushed at this point.
; Remove the file from the file
;fsize= _fsize(pathname);
;long fsize;
; Returns the size of the file in bytes.
;Returns 0 if no file. Do NOT call inbetween
;calls to _xfind().
;found= _xfind(pathname,filename,&fsize,attrib,flag);
;int found,flag,attrib;
;char *pathname,filename[14];
;long fsize;
;Search for the specified pathname. flag should
;be 0 for the first call, non-zero for all
;subsequent calls. _xfind() returns true if a
;match was found, and the found file is
;returned in filename[], in ASCIZ format.
;Attrib is the DOS attributes to match; I
;will not describe that mess here. _xfind()
;returns the size of the file in fsize. (Don't
;forget to pass the address of fsize.)
; For example:
;int i;
;char filename[14];
;long fsize;
; i= 0;
; while (_xfind("\\bin\\*.*",filename,&fsize,0,i)) {
; printf("File: %14s Size: %lu\n",filename,fsize);
; ++i;
; }
; printf("%u matching files.\n",i);
;Prints the names of all matching disk files.
;Any other calls (except_fsize()) can be made
;in between calls to _xfind().
dgroup group data
pgroup group prog
prog segment byte public 'prog'
public _xopen,_xcreate,_xclose
public _xread,_xwrite
public _xfind
public _fsize
public _xdelete
assume cs:pgroup,ds:dgroup
;; handle= _xcreate(name,access)
;; handle= _xopen(name,access)
;; int handle; -1 if error,
;; int access; 0=r, 1=w, 2=r/w
;; char *name; null terminated
;;Open and create functions. The name is a null
;;terminated string. The access byte is passed
;;directly to DOS. All errors are translated to
;;a -1 return value.
_xopen proc near
mov ah,61
jmp short opncrt
_xcreate proc near
mov ah,60
opncrt: push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+4] ;pathname,
mov al,[bp+6] ;access,
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
int 21h ;do it,
jnc opncrt1
mov ax,-1 ;error!
opncrt1:pop bp
_xcreate endp
_xopen endp
;;int handle;
;;Close a handle opened by XOPEN or XCREATE.
;;Returns -1 if close error.
_xclose proc near
mov ah,62
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[bp+4] ;handle,
int 21h
pop bp
_xclose endp
;; count= xread(handle,buffer,size)
;; count= xwrite(handle,buffer,size)
;; int count; bytes actually r/w
;; int handle;
;; char *buffer;
;; int size; byte count,
;; Read or write (size) bytes from the
;;file (handle). The return value is the number
;;of bytes actually processed.
;; No text translation is done. All
;;bytes are processed as read or written. No
;;check is done (or is possible) on the buffer
_xread proc near
mov ah,63
jmp short rdwrt
_xwrite proc near
mov ah,64
rdwrt: push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[bp+4] ;handle,
mov cx,[bp+8] ;count,
mov dx,[bp+6] ;buffer,
int 21h
pop bp
_xwrite endp
_xread endp
;; ret= xfind(path,name,size,attrib,first)
;; int ret; 0 if no match
;; char *path;
;; char *name; dest name,
;; long *size; ptr to file siz
;; int attrib; attributes
;; int first; 0 if 1st time,
;;Find the Nth occurence of pathname. Returns
;;0 when no match. Only the filename portion
;;can contain wildcards. The returned filename
;;does not contain the path portion of the
;;input string.
;; Not recursive. Do not call _FSIZE
;;inbetween _XFIND calls.
xfpath equ 4 ;path pointer,
xfname equ 6 ;retnd name,
xfsize equ 8 ;file size ptr,
xfaccess equ 10 ;access,
xfflag equ 12 ;first time flag,
_xfind proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ah,26 ;set DMA addr
mov dx,offset dgroup:xfbuf
int 21h ;to buffer,
test word ptr [bp+xfflag],-1
mov ah,78 ;do right call,
jz xf1
mov ah,79 ;0 == 1st time,
xf1: mov dx,[bp+xfpath] ;path name,
mov cx,[bp+xfaccess];access,
int 21h
mov ax,0 ;ret if no
jc xfr ;match,
;Copy the file size in.
mov bx,[bp+xfsize] ;size ptr,
mov ax,fsize
mov [bx],ax
mov ax,fsize+2
mov [bx+2],ax
mov di,[bp+xfname] ;dest string,
mov si,offset dgroup:fname
mov cx,12
;Fix a "slight" XENIX bug: Delete trailing
;spaces, else it fails OPENs.
xf2: lodsb ;get a byte,
cmp al,0 ;if null
je xf3
cmp al,' ' ;or space,
je xf3 ;stop,
loop xf2 ;max 11 chars
xf3: mov byte ptr [di],0 ;terminate,
mov ax,1 ;good return.
xfr: pop bp
_xfind endp
;; fsize= _fsize(filename)
;; long fsize;
;; char *filename;
;;Return the size of a file, in bytes. Returns
;;0 if file not found. Filename can contain
;;a path.
;;Cannot be called in between any _XFIND calls.
_fsize proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ah,26 ;set DMA addr
mov dx,offset dgroup:xfbuf
int 21h ;to buffer,
mov ah,78 ;search 1st,
xs1: mov dx,[bp+4] ;path name,
mov cx,0
int 21h
mov ax,0 ;ret if no
mov bx,0 ;match,
jc xsr
mov bx,fsize
mov ax,fsize+2
xsr: pop bp
_fsize endp
;error= _xdelete(path);
;int error;
;char *path;
_xdelete proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+4]
mov ah,41h
int 21h
mov ax,0
sbb ax,0
pop bp
_xdelete endp
prog ends
data segment word public 'data'
;Structure for the FindFirst and FindNext
xfbuf db (?) ;search attrib
db (?) ;drive,
db 11 dup (?) ;name,
dw (?) ;last ent
dd (?) ;DPB,
dw (?) ;dir start
db (?) ;attrib found,
dw (?) ;time?
dw (?) ;date?
fsize dw (?) ;size low
dw (?) ;size hi,
fname db 13 dup (?) ;packed name,
data ends